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英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable E某perience》(精选多篇)

时间:2023-03-11 20:06:28
英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable E某perience》(精选多篇)(全文共49字)

第一篇:英语口语演讲稿《UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE》

on my birthday two yEars ago, many spEcial things happEnEd on mE. and i would rEmEmbEr thEm forEvEr.

that morning, i rodE my bikE to school happily as usual. on my way to thEclassroom, i saw somE of my classmatEs. but whEn thEy saw mE, thEy rushEd away. that madE mE confusEd. bEcausE thEy would talk to mE or play jokEs on mE bEforE. but it was strangE today.

whEn i camE into thE classroom, i found thE atmosphErE was quitE strangE.EvErybody lookEd at mE and laughEd loudly. suddEnly thEy all said in good ordEr,“happy birthday to you!” thEn thEy bEgan to sing “happy birthday to y ……此处隐藏1845个字……vitably fEEling a littlE nErvous as wEll as holding faith in my hEart.

that is all. thank you for your listEning and crEating my anothEr UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE. i rEally apprEciatE it so much.

第五篇:an UnforgEttablE thing英语作文


i bEliEvE hElping othErs will makE mE happy. i will full of satisfaction whEn i hElp othErs.

last wEEkEnd, i hElpEd my mom to do somE housEwork. on thE onE hand, i swEpt thE floor, clEanEd thE room and took out thE rubbish. on thE othEr hand, i hElpEd my mom makE dinnEr and wash thE dishEs. i was tirEd whEn i did housEwork. but i was so happy bEcausE i hElpEd my mom.

i will nEvEr forgEt that day. hElping othErs is mEaningful .i will try to hElp morE pEoplE in thE futurE.

《英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable E某perience》(精选多篇)(全文共49字).doc》
