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“Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?”

时间:2023-03-14 20:04:54
“Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?”(全文共1653字)

barbara jordan: "Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?"

thank you ladies and gentlemen for a very warm reception.

it was one hundred and forty-four years ago that members of the democratic party first met in convention to select a presidential candidate. since that time, democratshave continued to convene once every four years and draft a party platform and nominate a presidential candidate. and our meeting this week is a continuation of that tradition. but there is something different about tonight. there is something special about tonight. what is different? what is special?

i, barbara jordan, am a k ……此处隐藏7602个字……走出),肖恩冷静下来后,还是没有放弃,一次1小时的交谈双方没说一句话,也许是Will最终被肖恩的默默的关怀打动,率先打破了沉寂,他开始和肖恩交流,肖恩循循善诱,试着让他明白每个人都不是完美的。此时Will还没有完全放下固有的观念,因为这个原因他和女友斯凯拉一度分手。斯凯拉一个人去了加州……经历了很多事后,Will又一次找到了肖恩,肖恩问他真正想做的是什么,他说他想当个牧羊人,他此时对自己的人生也没一个完整的概念,他被肖恩轰出门。他和约翰去拆墙(他之前所认为的荣耀),却发现他的天赋一直是别人说艳羡并且嫉妒的,包括兰博,甚至死党约翰,约翰的一席话给了Will

很大触动,他开始思考自己的人生,自己的追求。最终,他不再抗拒他的心扉向世人敞开,他找到了自己的方向,“i have to see the girl ”也许是最好的结局。肖恩也在与Will的一次次精神碰撞后慢慢从丧妻之痛中走出,选择了去旅行……看了《心灵捕手》我想说的还是感觉大于语言吧,很有思想深度的一部影片。如果非要说出我能从中得到什么启示的话,我觉得人还是要守望自己的心灵敢于追随自己的内心吧。




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《“Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?”(全文共1653字).doc》
