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“A Time for Choosing” (aka ”The Speech”)

时间:2023-03-15 04:10:29
“A Time for Choosing” (aka ”The Speech”)(全文共55字)

ronAld reAgAn: "A Time for Choosing" (AkA "The Speech")

progrAm Announcer: lAdies And gentlemen, we tAke pride in presenting A thoughtful Address by ronAld reAgAn. mr. reAgAn:

reAgAn: thAnk you. thAnk you very much. thAnk you And good evening. The sponsor hAs been identified, but unlike most television progrAms, The performer hAsn't been provided with A script. As A mAtter of fAct, i hAve been permitted to choose my own words And discuss my own ideAs regArding The choice thAt we fAce in The next few weeks.

i hAve spent most of my life As A democrAt. i recently hAve seen fit to follow AnoTher course. i believ ……此处隐藏17441个字……t of college to relAx And plAy gAmes, And The dAys when we struggled for our dreAms. so do my thAnks to you!

four yeArs is not too long. it’s you who let my college life more pleAsAnt And meAningful. i promise no mAtter how mAny yeArs lAter, i will AlwAys keep The hAppy memories between us. i promise no mAtter whAt problems i fAce in The future, i will mAke every effort to study furTher. And i promise i will try my best to mAke A big difference to our society.

thAt’s All. thAnks for your listening.


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《“A Time for Choosing” (aka ”The Speech”)(全文共55字).doc》
