peopleremainpuzzledinspiteoftheirgreatefforttounderstandtheendlessquestions,sotheyinventedtheall-embracingword---“Pr ……此处隐藏7650个字……ur birth, because they allow you access to life; grateful for your dependents, because they allow you to continue to grow; grateful for the concern you, because they give you warmth; grateful to encourage you to the people, because they give you strength; grateful for your education, because they kaihua your ignorance; grateful to harm your people because they temper your intellect; grateful for your trip, because it strengthens 您正在范文网http://阅读《关于感恩的英语演讲稿(中英对照)》your legs; grateful for your contempt, because it awakening your self-esteem; grateful abandoned your people, because he taught you that independence; everything grateful, institute of gratitude, gratitude to all the people you grow up!