第一篇:我在雨中等你 读后感
主人公是一只狗叫恩佐。作者加视斯坦让恩佐这只狗赋予了人类的情感,并将他表达出来。这里记录着恩佐和主人丹尼相依度过的风雨悲欢:当丹尼的妻子凄凉死去, 当岳父母和他反目成仇,当他镣铐加身被突然逮捕,唯有恩佐知道真相。可是,恩佐只是一只狗,无法发音,不能说话??但是最懂丹尼的永远是恩佐。他永远不会背弃丹尼,即使无法言语,也总在行为和眼睛上表达出自己的对丹尼的爱与信任。直到恩佐死去,也不舍得惊动丹尼。作为狗的恩佐甚至知道人必有一死,死并不可怕。可怕的是自己再也不能陪伴着死去妻子的丹尼。那丹尼该怎么办。我相信恩佐的思想已经准备好做一个人了。如他所说的:“我一直认为自己是一只有着蒙古犬血统的狗,蒙古有个传说,说狗死后可以转世为人。”不出所料的,在小说的结尾,恩佐转世为人了。一位10岁的赛车天才,他也与男主人丹尼见了面??不知道这算不算一种好的结尾,也不知道,作为人的恩佐还记不记得在前世丹尼是自己所爱的主人。但是,至少,在书中的恩佐应该是满足了,满足了自己做一个人的愿望。
如果你想试图的了解一只狗的想法,那一定要看这本书。我 ……此处隐藏5353个字……r battle over their daughter, zoe, whose maternal grandparents pulled every string to gain custody. in the end, despite what he sees as his own limitations, enzo comes through heroically to preserve the swift family, holding in his heart the dream that denny will become a racing champion with zoe at his side. having learned what it takes to be a compassionate and successful person, the wise canine can barely wait until his next lifetime, when he is sure he will return as a man.
a heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope, the art of racing in the rain is a beautifully crafted and captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life . . . as only a dog could tell it.